Practical, easy to understand training videos
Learn how to professionally handle Rude Customers
Practical, easy to understand training videos
Learn how to professionally handle Rude Customers
Why Learn Dealing With Rude Customers?
Whilst it may be tempting to argue with a rude customer, it’s not going to get the best result. In Dealing with Rude Customers, we teach you how to explain your stance, hold your ground and professionally handle rude customers without losing your cool.
Each of our 11 video lessons covers a different aspect of Dealing With Rude Customers. See below for the full topic list.

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Topics included in Video Lessons
Introduction (00:31)
Whilst it may be tempting to argue with a rude customer, that argument isn’t going to get the best result. In Dealing With Rude Customers we help you learn how to explain your stance, hold your ground and professionally handle rude customers without losing your cool.
Never Argue (01:46)
Arguing with a rude customer is inarguably never going to end well. The key is to learn how to turn the situation around and unlock a solution that’ll placate everyone.
Listen and Understand (01:48)
Rude customers want to—and need to—vent. So let them! The best way to kick off dealing with a customer trying to kick you around is by listening and understanding.
Explain Your Stance (01:42)
There’s a time and a place for you to make your case, and this is it! Make sure you explain to the rude customer where you’re coming from without enflaming the situation further.
Avoid Sarcasm (01:25)
Sarcasm never helps—and no, that wasn’t sarcastic. Replying with sarcasm to a rude customer is rather unlikely to ever be met with a positive response.
Prompt Better Behaviour (02:38)
Customers’ rudeness can come from anger, disappointment and/or frustration. But by prompting better behaviour, you could reorient a rude customer and rescue the situation.
Holding Your Ground (01:17)
Rude customers may be loud and in your face, but they’re not necessarily always in the right. Holding your ground in the appropriate manner at the appropriate time is of vital importance.
Refusing To Serve (01:41)
Being polite, professional and polished doesn’t mean you need to allow yourself to be abused or bullied. You are a premium customer service provider, not a punching bag, and your customer must understand this.
Beware Over Email (02:14)
It can be very hard to judge tone through written communication, especially over email. If an email appears to be rude, make sure you investigate the situation further before reacting and replying.
Blaming Never Helps (01:18)
The Blame Game is never fun and no one ever wins! While the temptation might be there, curb your instinct and make sure you focus on really dealing with the matter at hand properly.
Congratulations (00:22)
Congratulations, you’re now an expert at dealing with rude customers! Test your knowledge by taking the quiz below.
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