Practical, easy to understand training videos
Phone skills are vital to the success of your organisation - impress your callers today!
Practical, easy to understand training videos
Phone skills are vital to the success of your organisation - impress your callers today!
Why Learn Phone Skills?
Premium customer service means focusing on every customer experience, including over the phone. From creating a great first impression and transferring a call effectively through to controlling the conversation, the depth of your phone skills will affect on your customer.
Each of our 32 video lessons covers a different aspect of Phone Skills. See below for the full topic list.

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Topics included in Video Lessons
Introduction to Phone Skills (00:22)
Your premium customer service should reach every corner of your customer experience, including over the phone! Phone Skills teaches the dos and don’ts of business phone etiquette – including using the hold button – to ensure calls are never dropped again and each line of customer communication operates smoothly.
Are You There (00:42)
When you think about it, there really is only one answer to asking "are you there?" However, there is another way to find out if a caller is still there after returning from hold - and it will make you sound like a seasoned pro.
How Are You (00:36)
“How are you?” “Good and you?” If that doesn’t sound genuine to you, you’re not alone! Pay attention to how you respond to customers and they’ll pay attention to you!
Crutch Word (01:03)
We all have at least one crutch word - a word or phrase that we use without thinking - to fill the silence in conversation. Unfortunately for us in this instance, saying nothing is better than saying something.
Don't Say Sorry (00:41)
To err is human, and when we make a mistake we should seek forgiveness - and that's not by saying "I'm sorry". If you really want to empower your caller while winning them over at the same time, this video lesson will show you how.
Hanging Or (01:14)
When listing options for a caller, there is one very quick - and easy - way of sounding indecisive and unprofessional. The good news is, by eliminating one word, you can sound the exact opposite - and your callers will love you for it.
Expect Results (01:20)
The way we phrase a question has a huge bearing on the answer we receive. If you want to tip the odds in your favour, pay particular attention to the words you use - and commit this video lesson to memory!
Mimic The Caller (00:49)
Pay close attention: there is a difference between mimicking and mocking. Picking the right one in a customer interaction is a no-brainer, but nailing it takes a little more skill.
No Jargon (00:34)
There are two kinds of languages in every business: the language you speak with your colleagues and the language you speak with customers. Here's why you shouldn't ever mix the two.
No's a No No (01:09)
Our job is to help find a solution to a customer's problem, and it's for that reason why you should eliminate this two letter word from your vocabulary and replace it with these strategies.
Area Code (00:30)
Taking a message is only half the job - the other half is making sure the recipient is able to act on the message you've taken. The next time you take a message, make sure you include these details.
Get To The Point (00:33)
There's only one good kind of waffle and it's usually covered in ice cream. Your caller's time is important so getting to the point quickly will make you look good and your customer feel valued.
Hang On (00:45)
When you're busy, it's easy to forget about the small details, like making sure your caller isn't still on the line before you hang up. Take a deep breath, relax and make this part of your skill set.
No Answer (00:56)
What do you do when you dial an associate's extension only to find there's no answer? The standard answer is get up and look for them or maybe even page them, but there is another option you should always do.
Please Hold (00:34)
Your hand is not sound proof and should never be used as a substitute for your hold button. In this video lesson, you'll learn how to turn your phone system's hold button into a powerful tool.
Signing Off (00:35)
Before you bid farewell to a caller, there are three important steps you must take to ensure you leave a positive impression.
The Name Game (00:51)
Where possible, you should use your customer's name. If you miss it or don't get it right the first time, here's how you stop it from going wrong the next.
The Numbers Game (00:50)
Repeating someone's phone number back to them is a bit like dancing, if you are out of time or following a different rhythm the best you can hope for is confusion.
Transferring Calls (01:02)
Believe it or not, there is a right and wrong way to transfer a call between departments. Do it the right way and you're guaranteed to portray a polished image and save your customers time.
Answering a Colleague's Phone (00:41)
When a colleague isn't around to hear their phone ringing - does it still need to be answered? Of course it does! These few tips will help you answer it like a pro, without confusing the caller.
Attention (00:43)
Picture this: you're on the phone with a client or prospect and their mobile starts ringing in the background - what do you do? The way you handle a situation like this will reinforce how much you care about your caller, so make sure you get it right.
Calming An Angry Customer (02:00)
Want to know how to turn a red-in-the-face angry customer into a loyal fan? Watch this video lesson to find out just how simple it can be.
Cold Calling (00:47)
Grabbing the attention of the person you're cold calling quickly is vital. So what can you do to sound powerful, positive and like someone who will solve their problem? Watch this video lesson to find out.
Bypassing the Gatekeeper (01:00)
It's a receptionist's job to screen calls - it's your job to be smart about how you get around them. To get you started, these three proven strategies will help you hit the target.
Feedback (00:49)
Feedback is a valuable part of any growing business - but if you really want customers to act as unpaid consultants, this is the formula you need to use.
First Impression (01:04)
We've all heard the saying "you only get one chance to make a good first impression". So to help ensure every team member is making a positive and lasting impression on your callers, these two strategies are a must.
Focus On The Result (00:35)
Callers only care about one thing: what you can do for them. So save them the back story and cut to the chase by focusing on the result.
Important Call (00:32)
In business, every call should be of equal importance and you should treat it as such. Plus, what customer doesn't love feeling like a VIP? Show your customers you care by making this strategy the rule, not the exception.
The Magic Phrase (00:41)
Every now and again, you'll come across someone who left their manners on the kitchen table that morning. When you do, this is the phrase that will help motivate them into helping you.
Want to Help (01:04)
Customers call your company wanting to be helped, and even if their normal point of contact is unavailable, guess who should be right there wanting to help: you!
Recovering Lost Calls (01:23)
When you're working the phone, dropped calls are just a fact of life. Connections are lost, customers hang up for a variety of reasons, and sometimes mistakes are made. A lost call isn't an unrecoverable mistake, provided you know how to deal with it.
Congratulations (00:22)
Congratulations, you've made it through to the end. All that remains is to answer the questions, hit send and put these strategies into play. Thanks for watching.
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